Biden jets off to Europe

Among shipping problems and Congressional gridlock, President Biden is setting off for Europe.

President Joe Biden is leaving for Europe, as the fate of his massive spending bills remains up in the air. Meanwhile, supply shortages continue and inflation is skyrocketing.

“President Joe Biden flies off Thursday to attend global summits in two European cities. After he climbs the steps of Air Force One he will stop, turn and wave goodbye to a Democratic party scrambling to deliver a roughly $2 trillion spending package and a nation troubled by a host of domestic issues,” Breitbart reported.

“President Joe Biden left Thursday for his second trip abroad with his massive domestic agenda -- and, by his own admission, his entire presidency -- hanging in the balance on Capitol Hill,” CNN reported.

“In private meetings, the President has acknowledged his credibility is at stake on this trip, locking eyes with lawmakers and warning that America's prestige is on the line as he works to secure a deal on the bulk of his domestic agenda, including measures to combat climate change,” CNN reported.

Should we be negotiating with other countries about climate change? Should Biden stay here instead? Let us know below!


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