Biden administration spending $10 million to “improve gender equity” in Mexico

It’s unclear why $10,000,000 from the American taxpayers is needed to improve gender equity in the workplace… in Mexico.

Joe Biden’s Department of Labor announced the award of a grant of up to $10,000,000 to improve gender equity in the workplace in Mexico.

Though news of the grant is just beginning to break, many are quick to ask why the Biden administration is prioritizing an obscure social justice program in Mexico over major issues impacting Americans here at home.

The official description of the grant reads:

The Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB), U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL, or the Department), announces the availability of approximately $10 million total costs (subject to the availability of Federal funds) for one cooperative agreement to fund one technical assistance project in Mexico. The project objective is to improve gender equity in the Mexican workplace by supporting actions to increase the number of women in union leadership, strengthen protections, address discrimination and harassment at work, and augment wages for women. For purposes of this cooperative agreement, gender equity refers to fairness in the treatment of women and men. The project will take a worker-centered approach and engage a range of stakeholders to advance gender equity. In support of this objective, the project will aim to achieve the following outcomes:

Outcome 1: Worker organizations advance issues surrounding gender equity, including gender proportionality in leadership and participation in key activities, within their institutions.

Outcome 2: Worker organizations undertake sustained action to promote gender equity in the workplace.

Do you think Americans should be funding social justice programs in foreign countries? Should Republicans in Congress investigate these grants? Share your thoughts below!


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