Biden Administration Reportedly Pre-Screens Reporter's Questions Asked To Psaki

According to a report by the Daily Beast, the Biden administration has already screened reporters to find out what questions they plan on asking during the White House press briefings.

“One reporter raised the issue during an informal White House Correspondents Association Zoom call last Friday,” reported the Daily Beast. “According to multiple sources, leaders at the meeting advised print reporters to push back against requests by the White House press team to learn of questions in advance, or simply to not respond to the Biden team’s inquiries.”

“The press can’t really do its job in the briefing room if the White House is picking and choosing the questions they want. That’s not really a free press at all,” said one White House Correspondent.

During an interview with NPR, Psaki criticized reporters and commented “When reporters are getting really loud, or they’re starting to ask crazy questions, I just slow down my pace, and I talk very quietly, and I treat them like I’m an orderly sometimes in an insane asylum.”

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