Biden administration gave Taliban list of Americans, allies in Afghanistan

The administration previously gave Vladimir Putin a list of our most sensitive sites and asked him not to attack them.

President Biden’s administration continues to do the unthinkable, this time providing the Taliban with a list of Americans and Afghan allies left in the Middle Eastern country. While the administration said it was to keep those people safe, defense officials have told media outlets that it amounts to a “kill list.’”

Politico reported:

U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport, a choice that's prompted outrage behind the scenes from lawmakers and military officials.

“Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,” an unnamed defense official told Politico.

An administration spokesperson downplayed the list, saying “in limited cases we have shared information with the Taliban that has successfully facilitated evacuations from Kabul.”

Biden, when asked, said he was not sure if a list had been created, but said that sometimes the U.S. had asked the Taliban to let certain people evacuate.

“The list issue came up during a classified briefing on Capitol Hill this week, which turned contentious after top Biden administration officials defended their close coordination with the Taliban,” Politico reported. “Biden officials contended that it was the best way to keep Americans and Afghans safe and prevent a shooting war between Taliban fighters and the thousands of U.S. troops stationed at the airport.”

The news drew understandable criticism from political leaders and security experts.

Do you think Biden officials have put our brave men and women in harm’s way? Do you think there needs to be a full investigation into his decisions? Let us know below!


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