WATCH: AOC Says She Didn’t Attend Inauguration Because She Didn’t Feel Safe Around GOP Members

During a bloviating interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Thursday, bartender turned Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she didn’t attend Joe Biden’s Inauguration because she doesn’t “feel safe” around GOP Members of Congress.

“Yeah, you know, I think we also had very real security concerns as well, as you mentioned earlier,” said AOC. “We still don’t yet feel safe around other Members of Congress -”

“How many are ‘We?'” asked Cuomo.

“I think a very considerable amount. A lot of members do not feel safe,” AOC responded.

The Congresswoman from New York went on to complain about GOP Members of Congress attempting to “sneak guns” onto the House floor. Ocasio-Cortez refused to admit to whether she believed they would be using their firearms to protect or hurt the other Members including herself.

The full interview is embedded below:

“You really think that colleagues of yours in Congress, may do you dirty?” asked Cuomo.

“Yes, well, one just tried to bring a gun on the floor of the House today. I believe it was Representative Andy Harris of Maryland. He tried to bring in a gun onto the House floor. For individuals who don’t know, guns are not allowed in the District of Columbia,” said AOC. “And these are individuals that are trying to sneak firearms either illegally or in direct violation of House rules. Why does a member of Congress need to sneak a gun onto the House floor?”

The remarks made by AOC on CNN should not surprise anyone based on the daily rhetoric spewed by the Congresswoman on a daily basis.

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