The left has selected their next target to “cancel”, will they be successful?
Don’t Let the Radical Left Cancel My Pillow.
Radical leftists have begun an all-out assault on Bed Bath & Beyond to “cancel” the wildly popular “My Pillow” line of products because of founder and CEO Mike Lindell’s pro-Trump views.
My Pillow was founded by Mike Lindell, an outspoken Christian and pro-Trump businessman. The company made international headlines when they shifted all their production to masks and PPE during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
Mike Lindell deserves to be praised for his leadership, not canceled. As a patron of your stores, I am asking for Bed Bath and Beyond to STAND with My Pillow and their CEO Mike Lindell by continuing to sell high-quality, American made My Pillow products in your stores.