GoDaddy Shuts Down Website Run By Texas Right to Life

The censorship of Texas Right to Life raises further censorship and Big Tech concerns.

Big Tech company GoDaddy has told Texas Right to Life, a pro-life organization, that it will shut down its website. The pro-life group had set up to help enforce a new Texas law that limits abortions to the first six weeks of pregnancy.

The new Texas law allows private individuals to enforce a law against abortion. The Supreme Court refused to hear a challenge and hundreds of preborn babies will now be protected from being killed.

“We informed the website owner yesterday that they have violated GoDaddy's terms of service and have 24 hours to move to a different provider,” GoDaddy said in a tweet.

Do you think there needs to be a federal antitrust lawsuit brought against GoDaddy? Should Texas Right to Life sue them? Let us know below!


Texas cracks down on Big Tech censorship


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