Aaron Rodgers blasts Joe Biden over vaccine mandates

Rodgers made the personal decision to not take the COVID-19 vaccine, which drew the criticism of Joe Biden. Now the future Hall of Fame QB is firing back.

“Tell that quarterback he’s gotta get the vaccine,” Biden told a group in Wisconsin in December.

Now “that Quarterback,” Aaron Rodgers, is calling out President Joe Biden.

“When the president of the United States says, ‘This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,’ it’s because him and his constituents, which, I don’t know how there are any if you watch any of his attempts at public speaking, but I guess he got 81 million votes,” Rodgers said recently.

Rodgers also talked about issues with the CDC.

“But when you say stuff like that, and then you have the CDC, which, how do you even trust them, but then they come out and talk about 75% of the COVID deaths have at least four comorbidities,”

Healthfeedback.org rated Rodgers’ claims as being partly false, you can read their full ruling here.

“And you still have this fake White House set saying that this is the pandemic of the unvaccinated, that’s not helping the conversation.”

Conservatives on social media praised the QB for speaking out against the Biden White House and their absurd COVID hypocrisy.

ESPN, which is owned by far-left, Chinese Communist Party-appeasing Disney, wrote a slanted piece about Rodgers, where the comments in full are printed.

What do you think about what Rodgers said? Do you think Biden has botched the COVID outbreak? Let us know below!

UPDATED 1/25/22


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