WATCH: Construction workers shut down traffic to protest vaccine mandates

Australia’s authoritarian government wants to get more people to get jabbed.

As illegal migrants surge our border, inflation continues to get out of control and our brave troops are left to die in Afghanistan, many Americans are thinking about how they want President Trump back in the White House.

Australia’s politicians found out that average citizens do not want their authoritarian approach to the coronavirus.

“Huge group of construction workers protesting against force vaccines block highway in Melbourne,” the Election Wizard reported.

“Wednesday’s demonstration were the latest day of protests in Melbourne by construction workers in retaliation to a Covid-19 vaccine mandate implemented across the industry by the Victoria government,” Storyful reported.

Some people have decided to get vaccinated. Others have not, for whatever reason that is none of our business. Free people should not be forced to take a vaccine if they don’t want it.

Do you support the protests? Do you think Australia is wrong? Let us know below!


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