Over 9 Million Open Jobs, Yet Many Are Making Over $100k A Year To Not Work

According to the US Department of Labor there are approximately 9.3 million open jobs across America, yet many states are still paying people to stay home.

COVID-19 infections are dropping across America and states are opening up, yet many are still paying their residents to stay home rather than fill the millions of open jobs currently available.

Many economists have theorized that the stimulus checks, weekly $300 supplemental unemployment bonuses, and loosened unemployment standards that remain in many blue states are a major reason so many Americans remain out of work, even with ample job openings.

25 states across the country (all governed by Republicans) have suspended the extra $300 weekly bonuses to help encourage residents to get back to work. The remaining 25 states that will continue to receive $300 weekly bonuses into September are for the most part governed by Democrats.

The Wall Street Journal recently published a new study from their “Committee to Unleash Prosperity.” The results showed that many families of four with two unemployed parents could actually live comfortably without ever leaving their house.

  • In 21 states and DC, households of four can receive the equivalent of $25 an hour

  • In 19 states, benefits are the equivalent of $100,000 a year in salary for a family of four with two unemployed parents

  • In states that haven’t suspended the $300 bonus (Democrat led states), the average annual unemployment insurance benefit for a family of four with two parents out of work is over $72,000.

So while red-states like Florida have low unemployment rates and thriving economies, blue-states remain lagging behind while their residents are making in some cases more than $100,000 annually to stay home and do nothing.

Do you think all 50 states should suspend the extra $300 weekly unemployment bonus from the federal government? Is it time for Americans to get back to work? Comment your thoughts below!


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