Jen Psaki says Illegal Migrants Represent the “American Dream”

Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that illegal immigrants, people who broke American laws to come here, represent the American dream.

Recently, as inflation skyrocketed and criminal aliens flooded our border, the White House hosted illegal immigrants for a meeting.

“President Joe Biden believes illegal aliens are part ‘of what the American Dream represents,’ White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Friday,” according to Breitbart.

“The six illegals were brought to the United States as children by their illegal alien parents without legal or public approval,” Neil Munro said. “They are enrolled in former President Barack Obama’s legally uncertain work-permit program, dubbed Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.”

While some illegal immigrants certainly do follow the law besides breaking our immigration laws when they come here, many sign up for welfare and commit crimes

Yet leftists never talk about these incidents when promoting blanket amnesty for over 10 million illegal immigrants who broke our laws, because apparently they respect this country.

Should all illegal immigrants immediately be deported? Do you wish Trump was still president? Share your thoughts below!