John Boehner Tells Ted Cruz to “Go F**k Yourself” While Recording Audio Version of New Memoir

According to an Axios report, former Speaker of the House John Boehner has been going off script while recording the audio part of his new memoir being released soon.

The source said the Republican House Speaker could be heard saying, “Oh, and Ted Cruz, go f**k yourself.”

The often disliked Ohio based Congressman will be releasing his book, “On The House: A Washington Memoir” where he tells colorful stories from the halls of Congress.

The audio version of the book will be “sprinkled” with Boehner’s unfiltered voice and inner monologue.

Boehner served as Speaker of the House from 2011-2015 and served in Congress from 1991 to 2015. He served as Speaker in between Nancy Pelosi and Paul Ryan.

Boehner’s spokesman said that he could, “confirm there were some off-script moments during his recording of the audiobook, he pretty much just let it fly, as he did when he was working on the book itself. He’s not really interested in being anything other than himself these days. That is kind of the spirit of the entire project.”

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