President Biden Claims Retired Military And Police Are Fueling The Growth Of White Supremacy

During the CNN Town Hall on Tuesday, President Biden claimed that the military and police in the U.S. are contributing to fueling the growth of white supremacy.

“I got involved in politics, to begin with because of civil rights and opposition to white supremacist, the Ku Klux Klan and the most dangerous people on America continue to exist. That is the greatest threat of terror in America, domestic terror,” said Biden. “So I would make sure my Justice Department and the Civil Rights Division is focused heavily on those very folks. I would make sure we focus on how to deal with the rise of white supremacy.”

“You see what’s happening, the studies that are beginning to be done, maybe at your university as well, about the impact of former military, former police officers on the growth of white supremacy in some of these groups,” continued Biden.

The video footage is shared below:

“You may remember in one of my debates from the former president, I asked him to condemn the Proud Boys he wouldn’t do. He said stand standby and stand, ready whatever the phrase exactly was. It is a bane on our existence. It has always been as Lincoln said we have to you appear to a battle angels these guys are not and women they are in fact demented. They are dangerous people,” said Biden.

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