Anti-Israel Protestors Shout anti-Semitic Slurs at Jewish Patrons Leaving LA Sushi Bar

The Los Angeles Police Department is investigating a possible hate crime at an LA sushi restaurant.

“An attack on diners outside a sushi restaurant by people shouting slogans against Israel is being investigated by Los Angeles police as an antisemitic hate crime,” the Los Angeles Times reported.

“A video capturing part of the Tuesday night attack shows people in a caravan of cars flying Palestinian flags yelling, ‘F— you’ and ‘You guys should be ashamed of yourselves’ as they drive by the restaurant,” the paper reported.


The attack comes as Palestinian terrorists have been trying to destroy Israel out of anti-Semitic hatred.

“They were chanting, ‘Death to Jews’ and ‘Free Palestine,’” one witness said, according to LA Times.

Socialist lawmakers including Rashid Tlaib have ratcheted up anti-Semitic hatred in the past days, calling Prime Minister Netanyahu “apartheid-in-chief.”

Muslim Somalian Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar has also pushed anti-Semitic tropes, accusing pro-Israel politicians of being bought off by lobbyists.

Do you support Israel? Should we immediately stop funding Palestinians? Share your thoughts below!

Photo Credit: Sean Lee/Shutterstock


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