Baylor Professor Says Criticisms of Fauci Should Be Prosecuted as Hate Crimes

A professor of pediatrics and molecular virology at Baylor College of Medicine is saying criticisms of the disliked Dr. Anthony Fauci and other government scientists should be prosecuted as hate crimes.

In “Mounting antiscience aggression in the United States,” a July 28th paper in PLOS Biology, Peter Hotez writes, “band of ultraconservative members of the US Congress and other public officials with far-right leanings are waging organized and seemingly well-coordinated attacks against prominent US biological scientists.”

Hotez added that, “In parallel, conservative news outlets repeatedly and purposefully promote disinformation designed to portray key American scientists as enemies.”

To combat what the CNN and MSNBC commentator calls “antiscience aggression,” he suggested a suffocation of alternate ideas.

Hotez recommended a bill called the Scientific Integrity Act of 2021 (H.R. 849), introduced by Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY).

Hotez claims it’s, “to protect US Government scientists from political interference, but this needs to be extended for scientists at private research universities and institutes.”

“Still another possibility is to extend federal hate-crime protections,”

The radical far-left professor continued on to add:

As Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel once pointed out, neutrality or silence favors the oppressor. We must take steps to protect our scientists and take swift and positive action to counter the growing wave of far-right antiscience aggression. Not taking action is a tacit endorsement, and a guarantee that the integrity and productivity of science in the United States will be eroded or lose ground.

“We must take steps to protect our scientists and take swift and positive action to counter the growing wave of far-right antiscience aggression,” Hotez urges.

What steps those will be and if Hotez has any influence on the Biden Administration remains to be seen at this point.

Do you think the radical left is emboldened right now? Should criticizing doctors be a crime? Comment your thoughts below!


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